Category «James Corden»

Season 6 Overview Part 1

We talk about the episodes, themes, and story arcs for Matt Smith’s second season as The Doctor. And River.

Join us in our discussion of Season 6.

Season 6 is a very interesting time for Doctor Who. Matt Smith continues to be a fantastic Eleventh Doctor, Amy & Rory settle into great companions, and the mystery of River Song is explored. But are all the results really for the best?

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Episode 612: Closing Time

Craig Owens is at his wits’ end, trying to take care of his infant son. Luckily, or unluckily, The Doctor picks this time to say hello.

Join us as we discuss episode 612: Closing Time

The Doctor pops around to Craig Owens’ house just to say Hello. Since he is The Doctor, he is soon investigating several disappearances at a local department store. Craig is very worried because bad things happen when the Doctor is around. Will he be able to keep his son safe, while the Doctor deals with the Cybermen?

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Episode 511: The Lodger

The Tardis leaves The Doctor stranded on Earth. What a perfect opportunity to rent a room and find out why people are disappearing.

Join us as we discuss episode 511: The Lodger

Have you ever had one of those roommates? Rushing in at awkward moments. Showing up in a towel in front of your potential girlfriend. Playing football better than you. Being a time-traveling Gallifreyan trying to investigate strange alien signals. We’ve all been there.

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