Category «Curse of the Black Spot»

Season 6 Overview Part 1

We talk about the episodes, themes, and story arcs for Matt Smith’s second season as The Doctor. And River.

Join us in our discussion of Season 6.

Season 6 is a very interesting time for Doctor Who. Matt Smith continues to be a fantastic Eleventh Doctor, Amy & Rory settle into great companions, and the mystery of River Song is explored. But are all the results really for the best?

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Episode 603: The Curse of the Black Spot

On a Pirate Ship unable to move or escape an endless fog, a Siren haunts the crew where even the smallest of injuries leads to death.

Join us as we discuss episode 603: The Curse of the Black Spot

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory find themselves aboard a Pirate Ship in the still waters. With nowhere to go, the crew live in fear of being the next person to bear the Black Spot, and die!

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