Category «Idris»

Season 6 Overview Part 1

We talk about the episodes, themes, and story arcs for Matt Smith’s second season as The Doctor. And River.

Join us in our discussion of Season 6.

Season 6 is a very interesting time for Doctor Who. Matt Smith continues to be a fantastic Eleventh Doctor, Amy & Rory settle into great companions, and the mystery of River Song is explored. But are all the results really for the best?

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Episode 604: The Doctor’s Wife

Trapped in a bubble universe when searching for another Time Lord, can the Doctor save the Tardis Matrix before she dies?

Join us as we discuss episode 604: The Doctor’s Wife

Lured to a desolate asteroid, the Doctor finds the final remnants of many Time Lords. When the Tardis Matrix is transferred into a human woman, they can finally talk to each other – about their relationship. While racing to save Amy and Rory trapped in the possessed Tardis, The Doctor discovers his Tardis is much more than just Time and Relative Dimension in Space.

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