Tag «Vincent and the Doctor»

Season 5 Overview

We’ve reached the end of Matt Smith’s first year as the Doctor! Recorded live before an audience at Rose City Comic Con, we talk about all the changes made by the new Production Team.

Join in our discussion season 5.

In this overview, we discuss the character arcs of The Doctor and Amy Pond, the season’s big mystery, Matt Smith vs David Tennant. And the number of times Rory dies.

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Episode 510: Vincent and the Doctor

The Doctor and Amy try to help a troubled Vincent Van Gogh, who is seeing an invisible monster. Of course it turns out to be a real alien. This is Doctor Who.

Join us as we discuss episode 510: Vincent and the Doctor

While visiting the Musee d’Orsay, the Doctor and Amy see a creature in a Van Gogh painting, which leads them to travel back in time to see Vincent himself. There they help Vincent face the alien, while trying to give him some peace, and recognition of his talent.

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