Category «Queen Liz»

Season 5 Overview

We’ve reached the end of Matt Smith’s first year as the Doctor! Recorded live before an audience at Rose City Comic Con, we talk about all the changes made by the new Production Team.

Join in our discussion season 5.

In this overview, we discuss the character arcs of The Doctor and Amy Pond, the season’s big mystery, Matt Smith vs David Tennant. And the number of times Rory dies.

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Episode 512: The Pandorica Opens

The Doctor never answers his phone, so River must lure him to Roman Briton. There, she gives him a Van Gogh painting – a painting showing the Tardis exploding.

Join us as we discuss episode 512: The Pandorica Opens

Everyone throughout time that The Doctor has met since regenerating discusses the same mysterious painting. River Song gets the painting to the Doctor which leads them to 2nd Century Briton, Stonehenge, and the fabled prison called The Pandorica. What could possibly be so monstrous that an inescapable cell had to be created to hold it? …And that Roman centurion sure looks familiar.

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Episode 502: The Beast Below

It’s Amy’s first trip in the Tardis… will it also be her last? She quickly learns that traveling with the Doctor can bear a heavy burden.

Join us as we discuss episode 502: The Beast Below

The Doctor takes Amy to the United Kingdom – in space! It’s Starship UK (minus Scotland) carrying the last of the human race away from a scorched Earth. But it’s also carrying a terrible secret – one that every person on the ship has to face, or forget.

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