Tag «whonewpodcast»

Classic Who: The Revelation of the Daleks

The Doctor is tricked into traveling to Necros, an entire planet dedicated to burying wealthy people.

Join us as we discuss the Classic Doctor Who Serial: The Revelation of the Daleks

The Doctor and Peri arrive on Necros so he came pay respects to an old friend who has died. But this is a trap set by Davros. He is creating new Daleks using the people being kept in suspended animation.

Joining Natasha and Grigory, who are searching for her father, The Doctor and Peri discover the Daleks are not a unified force any more. A civil war is brewing and they are caught in the middle. And the entire time, an insanely enthusiastic DJ is broadcasting to the unconscious people.

e-mail us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com

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Classic Who: Battlefield

The Seventh Doctor and Ace are caught up in the ancient battle between Arthurian knights and the forces of Morgaine.

Join us as we discuss the classic Seventh Doctor adventure: Battlefield

Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart comes out of retirement to help The Doctor and Ace contend with the Knights of Arthurian Legend. They attempt to keep Excalibur out of the hands of Morgaine and her evil forces, while everyone seems to recognize The Doctor as… Merlin?

e-mail us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com

Listen and Subscribe to us on iTunes or Youtube

Visit our website at www.whonewpodcast.com

Doctor Who Day 2016 at Disneyland part 2 (photo heavy)

Last year we started recording a podcast called Who New, it was a bunch of friends getting together and re-watching Doctor Who from the 2005 series. As we launched on iTunesYouTube and Twitter Galliday was approaching and we weren’t sure if we were going to get our business cards and buttons in time, let alone everyone on the podcast to attend. But we  made it (minus one)! With Galliday and Wondercon and podcasting, there’s been a lot of Doctor Who in the air.

*Sidenote, I also took this opportunity to debut my Tenth Doctor costume.

And here are more pictures from Who New’s Galliday experience;


We handed out our business cards and buttons. A perfect combo if I do say so myself.
















Hope you’re enjoying the buttons and I’m glad you found us, hope to see you at the next Galliday!