Tag «pete tyler»

Season 2 Overview

Before The Doctor gets a new companion for Season 3, we look back at Rose’s adventures with the 10th Doctor and their growing relationship.

Join in our discussion of Season 2 and the impact of Rose Tyler as a companion.

We also talk about the return of the Cybermen, the “Big Mystery” season arc of Torchwood, and the growth of the secondary characters: Jackie, Mickey and Pete.  And we respond to a listener’s email.

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Episode 213: Doomsday

It’s The Cybermen vs. The Daleks with all of the Earth caught in the middle.  As Torchwood falls, Rose faces the hardest choice of her life.

Join us as we discuss Episode 213: Doomsday

The Cybermen have taken over the Earth and The Daleks have exited the sphere bringing an unknown weapon of Time Lord design. And then Pete Tyler and his army cross the dimensional rift to destroy the Cybermen.  The Battle of Canary Wharf has begun.  In all of this, Rose and The Doctor make their greatest sacrifice.

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Episode 212: Army of Ghosts

This is the story of Torchwood.  The story of the Army of Ghosts and the war. This is the story of how Rose Tyler dies.

Join us as we discuss Episode 212: Army of Ghosts

When Rose and the Doctor return home, Jackie tells them that ghosts have appeared around the world for months.  The Doctor discovers that Torchwood is behind them.  And Torchwood is thrilled to finally have The Doctor in their hands.

Email us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com

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Visit our website at www.whonewpodcast.com



Episode 206: The Age of Steel

The Cybermen are reborn, The Doctor & Rose join the Resistance and Pete Tyler’s world is turned upside down!

Join us as we discuss Episode 206: The Age of Steel

The Cybermen begin their conquest of Pete’s World while The Doctor & Rose work with a local group of resistance fighters. Can they stop John Lumic’s horrific creations before all of London becomes “upgraded”?

e-mail us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com

Episode 108: Father’s Day

On this very special episode of Blossom — I mean Doctor Who, Rose deals with the loss of her father.

Join us as we discuss Episode 108: Father’s Day

Rose asks the Doctor if she could see her father when he was alive, the Doctor is wary but grants her wish… Happy Father’s Day!

e-mail us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com