Tag «Gangers»

Episode 606: The Almost People

The Gangers are pretty upset with the humans. Good news is that there are now two Doctors to solve the problem.

Join us as we discuss episode 606: The Almost People

The Ganger Doctor absorbs The Doctor’s memories, and becomes just as helpful at trying to get people not to kill each other. Rory begins to trust Ganger Jennifer that all they want to do is live, but is that the truth? And Amy definitely has an opinion regarding the “not real” Doctor. As everyone begins to have their own feelings about the conflict, can The Doctor and The Doctor convince them all to just talk to each other?

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Episode 605: The Rebel Flesh

Miners are using Flesh duplicates of themselves to do the dirty work, and the duplicates are starting to not like the idea.

Join us as we discuss episode 605: The Rebel Flesh

The Doctor, Amy and Rory go to an acid mining facility where the humans use The Flesh to create exact copies of themselves. These “gangers”, as they are called, do all the dangerous work. When a burst of solar radiation hits the mine, the gangers begin to wonder why they are any different from their human counterparts – and start to fight back.

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